Note a On this plot see lords‘Journals, x., 262, May 18, 1648.Several weeks ago I reviewed the new Cybertronic Spree Album, which was a cover album of music from the 1986 animated classic Transformers: The Movie.

Google Scholar Rushworth, vii., 1119.Īn earlier plot of the same kind is mentioned in Mercurius Dogmaticus, Jan.
A Declaration was printed and dispersed abroad the heads where of were these: #Pensacon instruments of destruction how to#Ģ0–28, 1648: “There was a design of late … which was-One Major Clark, sometime a Vinter at the Miter in Bishopsgate Street, Lieutenant Corbet, and Richard Yates, formerly officers in the King's army, had contrived a way how to purchase themselves and the loyall partie of this kingdome a redemption from their cruell bondage and for that purpose had given forth tickets to those whom they knew to be cordially affected, exhorting them to make all the strength they could amongst their friends and allies and when of considerable strength to divide themselves into three bodies, where of the one was to seize upon the Tower, the other to surprise the men at Westminster, and the other to keep a court of guard at Temple Barre, to hinder the citizens from flocking to their rescue…. “‘To all those that are faithfnll to God, loyall to their King, and desire to be freed from their cruell bondage. Wee declare our intentions to be onely for the preservation of His Majestie and ourselves from ruine and the restitution of His Majestie to His just rights, the knowne lawes to their due course, and ourselves to our ancient liberties. “But this undetaking was blasted, even in the bud, for (as the Devill would have it) the Citie Marshall had notice given him of the place where these Loyalists resorted, who at the second search found and surprised them.” To hang up all men at their own doores immediately who shall conceale any parliament-man in their house within the Citie, and not give present ncotie of him to the present governor of the Tower.‘ To destroy all those who shall adhere to Sir Thomas Fairfax, in purr suance of his damnable Declaration for deposing the King. note a A copy of this letter is contained in vol. of the Clarke Papers at Worcester College, where it is signed “Heron Brother,” and no indication is given of tbe person to whom it was sent. I concluded it from internal evidence to be written by Cromwell to Robert Hammond. Some letters from Cromwell to Hammond were mentioned in the Report of the first Historical MSS. 116, as being in the possession of the Marquis of Lothian. Gardiner at my request examined these letters last summer, and has kindly supplied me with copies of them. The third was identical with the letter in vol. of the Clarke Papers, but as the copy in the Newbattle MSS, gave an obviously better text I have printed it here in place of the copy given by Clarke. Differences between the two versions, simple variations in the spelling and punctuation excepted, are marked in the notes. The Newbattle version seems to me to be a copy also, and not an original. #Pensacon instruments of destruction how to#Ĭompare with this letter Cromwell's letter of Nov.